Stone Roses: One Love | Song-Factsheet



Song «One Love» von Stone Roses.


Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1990 07 02 (Single)
Label: Silvertone ORE CD 17
Songwriter Ian Brown & John Squire
Produktion: John Leckie
Genre: Alternativerock - Poprock - Britpop, Alternativerock - Alternativedance


Die kurze Single Version kann im Video abgespielt werden. Hier archiviert ist die siebenminütige Maxi-Version.

Personen und Querverweise

Stone Roses
Ian Brown
John Squire
John Leckie


Any time you want me Any time at all Any time you need me All you gotta do is call Any time you want me Any time at all Any time you need me All you gotta do is call I'm no dog, I'm a dolphin I just don't live in the sea You feel my flow, and you flood my brain Show me your vision your wild apparition and sink to the depths of your soul One love, we don't need another love One love, one heart and one soul We can have it all Easy peasy Any time you want me Any time at all Any time you need me All you gotta do is call You put me one step clear of the chain gang And two miles over the line All the scenes I saw left me wanting more Show me a vision you wild apparition and sink to the depths of your soul One love, we don't need another love One love, one heart and one soul Your fruit's in season And these feet fall surely sound And what goes up must come down Turns into dust or turns into stone