Verwandte Songs (related songs)
Song «The Fold» von Visionist & Haley Fohr (feat.).
Veröffentlichungsdaten: 2021 01 12 (Digital), 2021 03 05 (Album)
Label: Mute, Mute
Songwriter Louis Carnell
Produktion: Visionist
Genre: Electronica - House - Outsiderhouse
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Personen und Querverweise
Visionist & Haley Fohr (feat.)
Louis Carnell
Birdcage of mine Seeps in effort to break stone Ample doves spread and throw To the window Birdcage of mine Swathe the winds And adorn Their shrivelled woes Forgotten doused in rain A shadow of oneself Died in vain 'Cause I can't give no more Forgotten doused in rain A shadow of oneself Died in vain 'Cause I can't give no more Skin break me down From consequences unturned Skin betray me And hold the hope inside you seek Hold the hope inside All the hope inside That I could not break Hold the hope inside All the hope inside That I could not break Forgotten doused in rain A shadow of oneself Died in vain 'Cause I can't give no more Forgotten doused in rain A shadow of oneself Died in vain 'Cause I can't give no more No, I can't give no more