P-27 & Black Tiger (feat.): Murder By Dialect | Song-Factsheet



Song «Murder By Dialect» von P-27 & Black Tiger (feat.).


Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1991 (Single)
Genre: Hip-Hop - Goldenage - Conscious, Hip-Hop - Goldenage - Dialekt-Hip-Hop


Erster Dialekt-Rap (abgesehen von Nüt). Act aus Basel.

Personen und Querverweise

P-27 & Black Tiger (feat.)


INTRO This is P-27 from Basle-City, Switzerland Tron, unknown witness of Doom Scen, the mutha****in' ducklock DJ Radikkal, the rhythm overseer And P.D. Slice, the man behind the trigger Featuring guest appearance by the Black Tiger and the Feminine Professor So, it's a murder by dialect Yo Radikkal, kick that shit! We're no bullshittin' teenage underground group P-27 is a hardcore troop Bam! Rhymin' like a shotgun Think critical, act political! Y bin e Schprayer, und y schpray' won y will Das isch e Basler Rap, drum loos' zue und sig schtill D'Polizei will mi schtoppe, dass schaffe die nie Wenn die mi schtresse wänn, hänn sie nur drmit mieh Dir saget ych vrschmier' alles und sig e Vandal Doch y vrzier' nur Betonwänd, wo gruusig sin und kahl Ych trag' nur zur Vrschönerig vom Schtadtbild bi Graffiti isch e Kunscht, Kunscht isch alles für mi Ych hass' Dr graui Alldaag, vo däm han y gnueg Y will nümm schtill sy, y gib' nie meh Rueh Es git Lütt, die saagen ych sig e Typ ohny Niveau Doch die wärde mi nie vrschtoh In den Auge vo dr Polizei bin ych kriminell Zue dene sag' ych nur eins: Go to hell! Löhnd mi in Rueh und schtööret mi nid Wenn ych am Bahnhof schpray, sunnscht fänd' ych das shit Bulleschtress und Bürgerwehr Lütt mit Hünd, bewaffnet mit Gwehr Dummi Type, die mache mi vrruggt Die sölle mi in Rueh loh susch schlohn' y zrugg Die wänn mi manipuliere, fruschtriere Damit ych nümme due Wänd vrschmiire D'Polizei will mi schtoppen und ins Gfängnis kheie Damit ych ändlig uffhör', alles z'vrschpraye Nur kai Angscht, ych wird nie uffhöre Denn ych bi au aine vo dene Vrschwörer Aine wo d'Schtadt e chli farbiger macht Graui Wänd loht vrsuffen in dr Farbepracht Im Farbemeer, das isch nid schwer S'einzige, wo schtört, isch d'Bürgerwehr Die sött me abschaffe, wie d'Armee In e Kischte vrpagge und ab drmit in See REFRAIN Du findisch Baseldütsche Rap nid guet Doch du muesch zuegäh, ych ha wenigschtens Muet Ych bi dr erschti Typ wo uff Baseldütsch rappt Das isch erschte Vrsuech, drum isches noni perfäggt Toys und Suckers, wo mi aabemache Über sönigi Lütt chan ych nur lache Die sölle mi in Friede loh So dummi Type loss' ych aifach schtoh In Basel, dört bin ych daheim D'Hip Hop Szene isch dört nid glai Es wimmlet dört vo Schprayer und Rapper Breakdancer, DJs und Tagger Unseri Hip Hop Szene isch im cho Und sie wird sich nid uffhalte loh Hip Hop, Boom, isch alles für mi Basel, dä Rap isch für Di! P-27, is a number one thing If you never heard'o'this, it's time to get some swing Move to the rhythm and pump that shit Too short, Baby, gotta go with it Wanna get hard? I gotta do that, too 'Cos I'm the only Female in this Crew Rappin' the lyrics and shout into the crowd I hope you gonna like it, and start to get proud This ain't the time, 'cause it's off my mind To beat think girl with a bunch of lies Play by rules, get some blue eyes I'm the girl who screws the guys Put some on ice, they move too slow Don't have a will, whatever? So, two more lines, and that's it Of this mother ****in' bullshit That's my big turn and you wanna hear my rap? The groove with the rhymes now follow with a handclap Spellin' from the S to the C to the E and to the N Fallin' with the rain, yo, my name is Scen Dumb mother****ers with ****in' blue dress Shit on your chest, but you can really not impress We're from Basle City, a swiss crew like this It's a serious shit Playin' in a club arounded with my whole gang Got my own rules, but I don't wanna kill Sam I've got inspiration, I hate discrimination F**k that shit that song has no dedication It's a dangerous part, when you listen to this track We're tha European mutha****in' dream attack Thinkin' like a crminial, handle with a weapon Surprise, I'm Scen from P-27 Halloween, the night of Doom Celebrating the light of the moon Burning crosses, talkin' shit I say That's how I see the muther****in' KKK At home, they listen on my telephone Think I'm the new one of that mutha****in' Al Capone Check out my girl when she's gonna buy cigarette Lookin' at my ass, while I'm sitting on a toilet Goddamn, what we're gonna do With these ****in' bastards I call them bad boys in blue I'm gonna bite your nuts, rip your dick And propose, to suck your foolish brain out of your nose I shave your head polish it clean I piss on your skin, you know what I mean Why don't you let the pressure release 'Cos nobodoy gives a **** about the P.O.LICE REFRAIN