Verwandte Songs (related songs)
Song «Nickel Song» von Melanie.
Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1971 02 27 (Album), 1971 05 (Single D)
Label: Buddah BDS 95000, Buddah 2011 071
Songwriter Melanie Safka
Produktion: Peter Schekeryk
Genre: Pop - Folkpop
Der Song zitiert den Schlager Music! Music! Music! aus dem Jahr 1950 von Teresa Brewer.
Personen und Querverweise
Melanie Safka
Peter Schekeryk
Well you know that I'm not a gambler But I'm being gambled on They put in a nickel and I sing a little song Da-da-da-da They put in a nickel and I sing a little song Well, I don't mind that they're lucky But it seems that they always win And gamblin' is illegal in the state of mind I'm in And if I had a nickel for each time that I've been put on I would be their nickel man And I'd sing a little song They're only putting in a nickel and They want a dollar song They're only putting in a little to Get rid of a lot that's Wrong Well I don't know so many things But I know what's been goin' on We're only putting in a little To get rid of a lot that's wrong And if we had a nickel for each time that We've been put on We'd all be their nickel man And we'd sing a nickel song You know they're only putting in a nickel And they win a dollar song Oh, yeah, they're only putting in a little To get rid of a lot that's wrong Oh, they're only putting in a nickel To win a dollar song