Verwandte Songs (related songs)
Song «One & One Is One» von Medicine Head.
Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1973 (Album), 1973 (Single)
Label: Polydor 2310 248, Polydor 2001-432
Songwriter John Fiddler
Produktion: Tony Ashton
Genre: Rock - Poprock
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Personen und Querverweise
Medicine Head
John Fiddler
Tony Ashton
Don't need nobody just me and you Like the way you walk Like the things you do Got no confusion with you by my side And when it's time to go I'm satisfied So let it ride yeh let it be In this old world just you and me We'll go flying each and every night Carry your picture through every flight Oh one and one is one Little Darling now One and one is one And when I call you on that telephone My heart skips a beat if you're not at home Yeh when I call you on that blue telephone I can hear your voice calling me back home Oh one and one is one Little Darling now One and one is one