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Song «Lemmon Princess» von Leaves.
Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1967 01 (Album)
Label: Capitol ST 2638
Songwriter Jim Pons
Produktion: Nick Venet
Genre: Rock - Psychedelicrock - Psychedelicgaragerock
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Personen und Querverweise
(Play) "I'm the devil", says he, as he suddenly was Says she, certainly, but she's laughing because She's a fool and she thinks everything that she does will be cool And she can't see the danger "And you can't be", says she, as she's seen him before Says he, certainly, "I am he and what's more I'm what's cool, if you can't understand any more, you're a fool To have even come out here" He laughs, says she, "You're not the same And Lemmon Princess is my name" "You can't play games with me", says he And steps inside her, look and see Her hair is growing long and green And lemons falling in between Between in falling lemons and Green and long growing Her hair is growing long and green And lemons falling in between Her hair is growing long and green And lemons falling in between Her hair is growing long and green And lemons falling in between Her hair is growing long and green And lemons falling in between