Verwandte Songs (related songs)
Song «Promises» von Ken Dodd.
Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1966 05 06 (Single9
Label: Columbia (EMI) DB 7914
Songwriter Norman Newell & Tom Springfield
Produktion: Norman Newell
Genre: Traditionalpop - Vocalpop
Sentimentalität fast wie bei Cry von Johnnie Ray.
Personen und Querverweise
Ken Dodd
Norman Newell
Tom Springfield
Norman Newell
Promises Promises Promises, just empty promises Promises Promises Promises, just empty promises That's all you gave to me Right from the start And all your promises were broken promises That only left me with a broken heart Now the one you kept your promise to Has gone from you But don't you know That I still love you Please come back Then we will start anew And try to make those promises come true And try to make those promises come true