Beaver And Krause: The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music | Release-Factsheet



Release «The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music» von Beaver And Krause.


Veröffentlichungsdaten: 1968, 2006 05 16 (Reed.)
Label: Nonesuch HC 73018, Collectors' Choice CCM 643
Genre: Akademica - Intermediale-Musik - Library-Music


Einführung in die Klänge elektronisch erzeugter Musik. Der Release kam mit einem 16 seitighen Booklet, das die Noten des ersten Stücks enthält.

Personen und Querverweise

Beaver And Krause


Seite A 1. Peace Three 2. Signal Generators 3. Control Generators *Seite B 1. Frequency Modulation *Seite C 1. Amplitude Modulation 2. Ring Modulation *Seite D 1. Filtering 2. Tape Delay 3. Peace Three (Recap) ^CD Ausgabe von 2006 1. Peace Three - 3:04 2. Sine Waveform: Slow Motion Audible Example - 0:09 3. Sine Waveform: Composition - 0:53 4. Sine Waveform: Harmonic Synthesis - 0:37 5. Sine Waveform: Non-Harmonic Synthesis - 0:44 6. Sawtooth Waveform: Slow Motion - 0:19 7. Sawtooth Waveform: Composition - 0:37 8. Rectangular Waveforms:Slow Motion Audible - 0:33 9. Rectangular Waveforms:Slow Motion Audible - 0:41 10. Triangular Waveform - 0:09 11. Triangular Waveform: Composition - 0:23 12. White Sound Composition - 0:18 13. Control Generators - 0:15 14. Sequential Voltage Sources - 2:02 15. Frequency Modulation - 0:36 16. Quarter Tone - 0:42 17. Ditone - 0:36 18. Portamento - 0:29 19. Periodic: Vibrato - 0:36 20. Periodic: Sine - 0:31 21. Periodic: Sawtooth - 0:32 22. Periodic: Rectangler - 0:42 23. Periodic: Triangular - 0:39 24. Periodic: Swept - 0:38 25. Periodic: 3 Square Waves - 0:33 26. Periodic: 3 Triangular - 0:41 27. Periodic: 4 Different Waveforms - 0:50 28. White Sound - 0:19 29. Transient: Up an Octive - 0:21 30. Transient: Up a 3rd - 0:12 31. Transient: Down an Octive - 0:15 32. Transient: Down a 3rd - 0:14 33. Ampiltude Mod - 0:16 34. Ribbon Controller - 0:15 35. Periodic: Tremelo - 0:30 36. Periodic: Sine - 0:50 37. Periodic: Sawtooth - 1:22 38. Periodic: Rectangular - 0:41 39. Periodic: Triangular - 0:54 40. Periodics Combined: 4 Square - 0:48 41. Periodics Combined: 3 Triangular - 0:27 42. Periodics Combined: 4 Different (s), (N), (L2), (V) - 0:28 43. White Sound - 0:56 44. Transient: Slow - 0:11 45. Transient: Rising Pitch - 0:18 46. Transient: Jagged Lines - 0:24 47. Ring Modulation - 1:56 48. Sine Waves: Tune in Parallel - 0:44 49. Sine Waves: Tuned in Opposite Direction - 0:35 50. Sine Waves: Sawtooth - 0:40 51. Sine Waves: L2 - 0:49 52. Filtering White Sound - 0:29 53. White Sound - Broad - 0:45 54. White Sound - Sharp - 0:28 55. Low-Frenquency Sawtooth-Tuning Through Harmonics - 1:09 56. Composition-Tuning Through Harmonics - 0:49 57. Swept With Ribbon Controller - 0:39 58. Periodic: Sine-Timbre Vibrato Effects - 0:32 59. Periodic: Sine-Variable Rate & Depth - 0:40 60. Periodic: Sawtooth - 0:57 61. Periodic: Rectangular - 0:30 62. Transient 1 - 0:16 63. Transient 2 - 0:14 64. Transient 3 - 0:13 65. Transient 4 - 0:14 66. Tape Delay: Single Repeat - 0:18 67. Tape Delay: Multiple Repeat - 3:02 68. Peace Three (Recap) - 3:02